Charity, why does one get involved? For me charity means being able to give some of what I have, be it time, money or effort on a project to help those in need. For others, charity is a tax write off, “would rather give it to those in need than the CRA” with little effort made (Business or Corporations). For some, it is a good way to get a public spotlight to help boost business, after all if a choice has to be made, wouldn’t a client or potential business partner rather do business with someone who gives? Regardless of reasons, the bottom line, someone or something in need gets some help. I have been volunteering and participating in charity endeavours for a very long time, from working in community polices offices to running miles, to just giving money or an item of value; I have given my time and resources. For many years I have been involved with World Vision and have sponsored 4 children into adulthood. Monthly donations to animal causes and just helped out a friend or a person who is down and out, I just like to help when I am able. I could write a list but one gets the gist. I have kept most of my good deeds quiet, maybe mentioning an event or charity to get others on board. Since becoming a realtor, it’s been somewhat of a struggle making the decision “should I post this?” “should I let my clients and potential clients know the good things I do?” “What are my reasons for doing this?” I think my reasons are several. One, some of the money I earn through doing business with clients is going to a good cause, which then becomes a tax write-off (automatic benefit for anyone who donates to charity). Two, I want people to know I care about certain causes and maybe, just maybe I can inspire someone to do same. And three, I just like to feel like I have done some good in such a chaotic world. As I said before, the bottom line, someone or something is getting some help.